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Parking and Traffic Safety

Drop Off

All drop offs and pick ups at Grand Ridge need to be made in the drop-off zone along the sidewalk in the parking lot (west end). Dropping off students in the bus zone along NE Park Drive, in the crosswalk, or across the street is not safe.

When exiting our parking lot at pick-up and drop-off, we ask that you take a right turn only.

Tips to Make the Drop-Off/Pick-Up Zone Run Smoothly

  • Pull as far forward as possible in the drop-off zone. This allows more cars to pull into the zone so more students can safely enter/exit their car.
  • Do not leave your car unattended in the drop-off zone for any amount of time. This prevents traffic from flowing.
  • Follow all directions from staff and student safety patrol.

Morning Arrival and Crossing

Please use the crosswalk when crossing our parking lot. This models "grand" behavior for students and keeps all members of our community safe.

Before School Procedures

Before School Student Waiting Areas

  • 2nd floor classrooms wait in front of the office
  • Lower floor classrooms wait at the wing doors
    • Supervision begins at 9:00 a.m.

Open Doors

Our doors open at 9:05 a.m. for student arrival. Students with classrooms on the upper floor (2nd floor), will enter through the front doors and the main entrance. Students whose classrooms are on the lower floor (1st floor), will enter through the wing doors.

Late Arrival

All students are expected to be inside their classrooms, ready to learn by the 9:15 a.m. bell. Attendance is turned in promptly after the bell has run. If your student arrives at the bell, please park your car and escort your child inside to check in at the office. Your child will receive a late slip to admit them to class after you sign your child in. 

After School Procedures

School dismisses at 3:40 p.m. on M/T/Th/F and 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday. Students with classrooms on the upper floor (2nd floor) will exit the building through the front doors at the main entrance.  Students whose classrooms are on the lower floor (1st floor), will exit through the rear doors of the building, and out either side gates (near Grand Central, or near the parking lot).

Pick Up Zones

After School Behavior

As parents you are responsible for managing your child’s behavior before/after school. Responsibility looks like:

  • Having your child follow the same rules “after hours” as when school is in session.
  • Accompanying your child, or having another adult accompany your child, to an after school event.
  • For safety purposes an adult should monitor the child’s activities on campus for “after hours” functions.
  • Siblings and friends must also meet the behavior expectations and follow the school rules.