Code of Conduct
Our School Rule here at Grand Ridge is...
We make grand choices that don’t cause a problem for anyone!
- Expected Behaviors at Grand Ridge
- Behavior Expectations Matrix
- Goals
- Logical Consequences
- Our Philosophy
- Playground Rules
- Safety
- Severe Discipline
- Supervision
Expected Behaviors at Grand Ridge
Examples of Grand Choices Expected at Grand Ridge
At Grand Ridge, children who make good choices:
- Keep the campus free from litter.
- Arrive on time to school.
- Eat within designated areas.
- Are respectful of adults.
- Use only appropriate language.
- Run on the playground only.
- Show respect for each other.
- Play safely.
- Settle arguments.
- Show respect for school property.
- Refrain from bringing to school any weapon or facsimile as defined by district policy.
Behavior Expectations Matrix
I am safe, responsible, respectful grizzly. I have greatness inside of me. I will use my greatness to solve problems and make good choices, to be the best me I can be.
Be Safe | Be Responsible | Be Respectful | |
Hallway |
Dining Den |
Classroom |
Restroom |
Playground |
Before School |
Assembly |
When working with a student who does not follow the Grand Ridge school rule, we consider that:
- A student’s self-concept is always a prime consideration.
- A child should be left feeling they have some control.
- Students and adults will share the thinking when solving a problem.
- An equal balance of consequences and empathy replace punishment whenever possible.
- Parents want to be provided with information about their child’s inappropriate choices.
The GOALS of the Grand Ridge discipline policy are to encourage:
- The student to make appropriate decisions.
- The student to establish ownership of problems or mistakes.
- The student to learn from their problem or mistake.
Logical Consequences
If a student at Grand Ridge does not make a good choice, one or more of the following consequences are introduced. Consequences are imposed based on the discretion of the adult and/or the frequency or severity of the incident.
- A statement is made indicating the behavior is misplaced. “That looks like a good thing to do after school. Thanks.”
- Student’s location is changed. “Would you like to stay here or sit at the back table?” or “Thanks for sitting at the back table until the lesson is over.”
- Choices are provided. “Would the two of you like to work this out together, play here by the rules, or find another game? What would be best for you?”
- Student is removed from the group to time-out. The child “thinks it over” in the time-out area and comes back when they can handle it (the child decides).
- Student fills in the “Think It Over” form before they can return to the group. “You are welcome to return as soon as you have written down your thoughts.” Parents sign the form and return it to the office the following day.
- Student is given an appointment to “talk” about the problem. The child first completes the “Think It Over” form. The student is asked to come up with a new behavior before returning to the scene of the rule violation. This plan must be specific and should discuss what the child will do. For example, “When I feel like fighting, I will go play on the monkey bars,” rather than, “I will not fight.” Parents sign the form and return it to the office the following day.
- Student makes an “informational” telephone call to their parents to discuss the choices they made. Consequences and choices to be made in the future are discussed.
- Student meets with administrator and/or teacher/EA. This team discusses the possible solutions or consequences. Parents are informed of the meeting and its outcome.
- A parent conference is set up to include the parent(s) and the team listed above to discuss the possible solutions.
- Immediate disciplinary action for severe infractions may include but are not limited to time-out in the office until a parent conference is held, in-house suspension or immediate expulsion.
Our Philosophy
“Love and Logic”
Grand Ridge Elementary embraces the “Love and Logic” approach of teaching children how to make good choices. This involves the use of logical consequences. Consequences are imposed based on the discretion of the adult and/or the frequency or severity of the incident.
At Grand Ridge we attempt to use the following five-step guide towards logical consequences:
Step One: Respond with empathy when you hear the problem. “That sounds very upsetting.”
Step Two: Send the message of power. “What do you think you’ll do?”
Step Three: Offer choices, if the child doesn’t know what to do. “Would you like to hear what other kids have tried?”
Step Four: Have the child state the consequence for each followed by: “And how will that work?”
Step Five: Give permission for the child to either solve the problem or not. “Sounds like a plan” or “Good luck with that.”
Playground Rules
We make grand choices that don’t cause a problem for anyone.
Big Toy Rules
- Walking only, no running
- Feet first, sitting down, one person at a time on slides
- No tag games in the Big Toy covered area
- No jumping from the Big Toy
- No standing or sitting on top of any bars, hanging only
Playground Rules
- Play in a way that is safe for all
- Agree on rules for games before you begin
- Keep equipment in their assigned areas
- Soccer balls, footballs and flags = field
- All other equipment = playground
- Return equipment when you hear the whistle blow
Bicyclists and scooter riders must:
- Be in grades 3-5 to ride to school. This is the recommended school district policy.
- Wear a helmet.
- Dismount and walk bike/scooter on the school grounds for the safety of those on foot. Pedestrians have the right-of-way.
- Park and lock bike at the rack located at the school.
Walkers must:
- Cross at the appropriate crossings and follow the directions of the school patrol.
- Stay out of neighbors’ yards.
- Dispose of all trash properly.
- Stay on the sidewalk and walk directly to and from school.
- Be alert and aware of bicyclists/scooters on the sidewalk.
- Safely walk and watch for turning vehicles when crossing side streets.
- Walk with other students.
Vehicles must:
- Park in appropriate marked stalls.
- When in fire lane, remain with vehicle at all times.
- Follow Grand Ridge's drop-off/pick-up procedures
Severe Discipline
Unacceptable behavior that is severe in nature can result in more immediate disciplinary action that may include removal from class, in-school suspension, short-term suspension, long term suspension or expulsion. Examples of severe, unacceptable behavior include, but are not limited to:
- Disobedience or disrespect that is abusive in nature.
- Swearing and obscene gestures.
- Stealing.
- Fighting/causing physical injury.
- Damaging or defacing school property.
- Using or possessing drugs, including cigarettes or alcohol.
- Possessing any weapons or facsimiles thereof.
- Constantly repeating negative behavior.
- Harassing another student
Children should not be on the school grounds more than ten (10) minutes before the first bell rings. Students arriving by car or those who walk without a parent should wait in the covered area (basketball courts).
Students line up by grade level and will be dismissed by an EA when the bell rings.
Students who are accompanied by their parents should wait with their parents in “Grand Central” (the courtyard between the bus drop off and the school library) and enter the playground when the first bell rings.
No supervision is provided beyond the immediate dismissal time.