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Regular attendance is essential to student's success in school.  Students are expected to be at school EVERY day according to Washington State Law.  Regular attendance is critical to the learning process.  Research shows that frequent absences seriously affect learning.  We encourage you to schedule all doctor and dental appointments during non-school hours.

In case of any absences, please notify your child's teacher and the school office by email or by calling at 425-837-7925. It is important that we know where all students are for their personal safety.  Automated phone calls are placed for any student not present at school without a call/email to the school. If you receive a message that your child is absent and you believe your child to be at school, please call the school office as the child may have been out of the classroom when attendance was taken.  If a pattern of frequent absences develops, parents may be contacted via phone, email, and/or mail to determine a course of action, and a written note from a doctor may be required to excuse future absences.

To learn more about Issaquah School Districts attendance policy, please click here.

Extended Absences

3 or more days

District Policy on Absences

State law requires our school to closely monitor student absences and their potential impact to the academic progress of students. At times the school may call to ensure strong school support for students and their families.

To help us please consider the following: