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A Message From The Issaquah Schools Foundation


The Issaquah Schools Foundation invites all ISD parents and caregivers to join us on Thursday, Nov. 7 for a deeper dive into how donations to ISF are used to help address the growing challenge in meeting basic student needs in our district. You'll hear from Superintendent Tow-Yick and other ISD staff as they highlight the growing financial challenges faced by so many families in our district and the impact it can have on the well-being of our students and their ability to fully engage in school. They’ll share how support from ISF donors is helping to bring essential resources to students. It will be a great opportunity for donors to get a closer look at the positive impact they've had on students and for everyone to learn more about this important area of need.

WHEN: Thursday, Nov. 7 from 6-7pm
WHERE: ISD Administration Building (5150 220th Ave SE, Issaquah) in the Boardroom

Refreshments will be provided. Please register here if you're able to attend.

  • ISF