Site Council
Site Council fosters continuous improvement of the school’s educational program, blends the values and perspectives of the community, staff, and students in school-wide decisions, and fosters effective communication among all stakeholders in a school.
Site Council ensures student success by helping advance the District’s mission, “All Students Learning Well,” through collaborative planning, communication, and decision-making.
Grand Ridge's Site Council is comprised of five parents (including a PTSA officer), a community member, and seven staff members (4 teachers, 1 classified staff member, the assistant principal, and the principal).
Site Council Minutes
Jan. 28, 2020
Grand Ridge Site Council Meeting - January 28, 2020 - 8:00 am – 8:47 am
Members Present:
- Community Rep – Christy Gerrard
- PTSA Rep - Erin Michael
- K/1 Parent Rep - Kelly Rabin
- 2/3 Parent Rep - Tiffany Smith-Fleischman
- 4/5 Parent Rep – Kyle Frick
- Primary Staff Rep - Lindsay de Haan
- Intermediate Staff Rep - Kimberly Goodman
- Specialist Rep - Theresa Gekeler
- Principal - Jill Ravenscraft
GR Update
- Jill talked about this year’s professional development. The District professional development has focused on inclusion. With inclusion, we try to keep students in their classes as much as possible and bring support staff into the classroom to assist. This occurs with both behavioral and academic interventions. Our Grand Ridge professional development is developed around our School Improvement Plan (SIP). Some of our professional development has or will include: Fountas & Pinnell calibration, breakout sessions related to GLAD strategies and phonics, a parent panel comprised of parents who went to school in different countries that shared about their home county and who spoke about barriers in communication and understanding, a book study based on How Dare the Sun Rise, and more.
- Theresa shared some diverse book titles from our school library.
Community Update
- Christy requested that parents complete the survey on the Issaquah Highlands website as it helps with their future planning.
- Kirkland Art Center is a new partner. There will be an event presented by artist Soo Hong on Feb. 8 around a raindrop theme and “what home means to you.”
- On March 8th, Matt Crevin will speak about interpersonal skills for teenagers in an age with so much screen time.
- There are so many wonderful events in the community! Check out the website!
PTSA Update
- Erin talked about the upcoming event, Grizzlies Night Out on April 3, 2020. This will be a casual event with games, raffles, food, and a short auction. There will be a few areas of focus for fundraising, art, YMCA recess coach, Reading Club, and maybe one or two more ideas.
- The Science Fair will be coming on March 18, 2020. The student projects have loose requirements and will not need to follow a formal scientific method procedure. The kick-off assemblies will be next week.
Two-way Communication
Upcoming Meeting Dates – 8:00-8:45
- March 24, 2020
- May 12, 2020
Nov. 19, 2019
Grand Ridge Site Council Meeting - November 19, 2019, 2019 - 7:45 am – 8:45 am
Members Present:
- PTSA Rep - Erin Michael
- K/1 Parent Rep - Kelly Rabin
- 2/3 Parent Rep - Tiffany Smith-Fleischman
- 4/5 Parent Rep – Kyle Frick
- Primary Staff Rep - Lindsay de Haan
- Intermediate Staff Rep - Kimberly Goodman
- Specialist Rep - Theresa Gekeler
- Principal - Jill Ravenscraft
- Our newest member, Kyle Frick, will be the 4/5 Parent Rep. Introductions were made.
LAP Annual Review (Barb Terasaki)
- Barb Terasaki explained the Grand Ridge Learning Assistance Program (LAP). The focus of the program is early intervention in reading for primary grades. This is a pullout program. Students are selected based on highest need, which is determined by a generated rank order list. Fountas & Pinnell levels, grades, and test scores are determining factors. The curriculum used is Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI). The two LAP teachers explain their program at an evening “curriculum night” earlier in the year. They coordinate with teachers and other staff members to schedule and implement their program.
- Two other programs were briefly mentioned, the PTSA Rising Readers program for some 4th and 5th-grade students, and the ASAP Intervention Program for identified 4th and 5th-grade readers.
School Improvement Plan (SIP) Draft Presentation (Jill)
- Jill walked members through the draft of the SIP plan. This plan is a new three-year plan in literacy. It will be presented to the School Board February 27, 2020.
- The School Improvement Goal is: By Spring 2022, 90% of 5th grade students identified in the 3rd-5th-grade longitudinal cohort data group, will score a 3 or 4 on the SBA ELA.
- Discussion included: adding EPIC to the technology section
- A question was asked about students and their readiness for typing on the SBA.
- Lexia, the database, was mentioned as a great program for helping with reading. A few people asked if this program would be beneficial to have for more students.
Two-way Communication
- A clarification of Market Day was requested. Kim Goodman explained that Market Day was a project that students in 4th-grade worked on related to their economy unit. Students create something and then sell it. It addresses marketing, price points, audience and more. Second-grade students and staff are invited on the actual day. Some of the work is done in class and some at home. Families are encouraged to use materials from home to create the products. 4th-grade families should be receiving more information from the teachers.
- A thank you was expressed for sending out concert dates.
- What are the responsibilities of members of the Site Council? Jill explained that reps should bring general concerns or questions that reps are hearing from the parents.
Meeting Dates
- January 28, 2020
- March 24, 2020
- May 12, 2020
Oct. 15, 2019
Grand Ridge Site Council Meeting - October 15, 2019 - 8:00 am – 8:45 am
Members Present:
- Community Rep - Christy Gerrard
- PTSA Rep - Erin Michael
- K/1 Parent Rep - Kelly Rabin
- 2/3 Parent Rep - Tiffany Smith-Fleischman
- Primary Staff Rep - Lindsay de Haan
- Intermediate Staff Rep - Kimberly Goodman
- Specialist Rep - Theresa Gekeler
- Principal - Jill Ravenscraft
Each member introduced themselves
Review of the By-Laws
Changes suggested:
- Part 1 – Under Community, delete “with option for an additional year”
- Part 3 – Change the last sentence to “There is a one consecutive term limit on the number of terms a Site Council member may choose to apply for a position on the council, unless there are no other applicants.”
Two-way Communication
- As a member of the Site Council, you are representing your cohort group. Bring forward any concerns or discussions. Examples from last year: parents didn’t understand how and why the Google Expeditions, virtual reality glasses, were being used. So, this information was shared with the community. Also, last year, the discussion around holidays and celebrations was brought forward. It was shared that the policy would remain the same until a thorough discussion was held. The policy has changed this year. There will be three parties a year at each grade level. Party plans will be reviewed by both the principal and the nurse. This year, there is a Costume Spirit Day being held the same day as the PTSA Falloween event. Information about this can be found in the enews.
- A question was asked about what procedure should be followed if a parent is having a problem with a teacher. The principal clarified that the individual should first contact the teacher to discuss the problem.
- A request was made for the dates of concerts and other after-school activities to be provided as early as possible. This would assist working parents in planning their schedules.
Community Update
- Christy Gerrard told us about a lot of community events. Cultural Conversations was held Oct. 3rd. Last Saturday was a School Board Candidate Forum.
- Some of the future events include:
- City Council Forum – Oct. 17
- Halloween BINGO for adults – Oct. 18
- Grand Ridge Plaza Fall Festival – Oct. 19
- Upcycled Art Workshop – Oct. 20
- HY Fest (for teens, by teens) – Oct. 26
- Dia de los Muertos – Nov. 1
- Community-Wide Meeting – Nov. 7
- Veterans Day Flag Raising Ceremony – Nov. 11
- Grand Ridge Plaza Tree Lighting – Nov. 23
- Shop Local Bazaar – Nov. 30
- Parents Night Out – Dec. 7
- Make It a Green Holiday – Dec. 14
- Grand ridge Plaza Santa Party – Dec. 15
PTSA Update
- There has been a change in leadership this year.
- Orange Ruler was very successful and brought in $84,831.
- They have been working on emergency preparedness.
- Membership awareness has improved since last year.
- Falloween is next Wednesday, Oct. 23rd. There is an effort, this year, to make the first half hour more sensory friendly, a bit calmer and quieter.
- Reflections is underway.
- There was a concern about the waiting list for day care. The principal said that the After School program is at its limit due to space limitations. She suggested contacting the district administrator, Nathan Winegar, to share concerns.
Meeting Dates
- November 19, 2019 – this meeting begins at 7:45
- January 28, 2020
- March 24, 2020
- May 12, 2020
Jan. 29. 2019
Site Council – 1/29/19
- 3/26/19 - 8:00 am
- 5/14/19 - 8:00 am
Members in Attendance
- Jill Ravenscraft, Brooke Moore, Kim Goodman, Theresa Gekeler, Tiffany Smith-Fleischman, Darcy Perea, Christy Gerard, (missing Brooke Karr)
Professional Development Update
- Concept of inclusivity
- In terms of special education – whether those students feel that they are a part of the student body, or if they feel “othered.”
- “Our student” no matter where the child is in the building.
- TOSA coming to speak with staff about the inclusion model. What does it mean and how can we promote that in our building. So that everybody feels they have a space and a place in the building.
- Followed up in March by Caitlin Blanchard (our inclusion teacher).
- Focus of the school board and our needs as a school.
- SIP goal drives the Professional Development in the schools.
- Teachers attended keynote speaker about cultural competency. Followed by building discussions in regards to ELL students and their test scores. Then looked at Padlet, with videos and articles that were student, teacher and parent driven. Teachers had choice to explore and dig further into cultural competency.
- After this year of the SIP we will move into focus on math rotations and differentiation in teaching math.
- Parent panel in January discussing education and experiences in countries outside of the United States.
Two- Way Communication
- Question: Is the holiday party policy changing?
- Will be revisited in Spring 2019?
- Discuss when parties have past, and decide emotionally and intellectually.
- Being thoughtful in the way that cultures are presented “Our community” vs. “The community”
- Google Expeditions: Questions in the community.
PTSA Update
- Cultural Fair March 13th
- Spelling Bee February 11th through the 13th.
- Awards nominations starting today for Outstanding Educator, Golden Acorn, Special Advocate.
- March board meeting for new executive team for PTSA. All members have reached their two-year fulfillment, big changes for next year.
- Playground equipment – school board approved and now working on scheduling.
- Two soccer goals
- Outdoor musical instruments (installed)
Community Update
- Wrapping up with community wide survey
- Don’t have to live in the community, you can be an employee.
- Family Connections magazine for February coming out soon.
- Mayor has met with Bellevue College, to talk about next steps.
- Will be having cultural bridges again in the beginning of the year and next February for the 2019/2020 school year.
- Parents Night Out 2/8
- Chinese New Year’s Celebration
- Networking with Neighbors
- Tutors, babysitters, coaches